Wednesday, April 05, 2006

finally updated!

coming up with reasons or excuses for not updating this blog could come easy- likewise, so could reasons why I could easily have updated. maybe the real reason was that I got frustrated because I could not figure out how to change the links on my own- among other small technical difficulties. Jacob offererd to help me out, but I think I was just too stubborn to take him up on it- Susanna wants to figure it out by herself......

now I understand the linkage a bit better, so I think from now on there should be more posting on here.

my life has been very bland as of late. it's been almost......can I say it? deppressing? very mundane. I slept a LOT yesterday. I think it helped though. and i've asked good friends with good taste for book reccomendations, so I've had some reading material to help stimulate my creative side. I think I've just been bored with doing the same things, with the same people, over and over and nothing new or exciting happening. well, let me rephrase that- nothing new or exciting that I want happens to me. I've been relying on God, but at times I just cry out, "how much longer? how much more must I take?" sometimes I don't even want it. any of it. I want to go away and drop all my responsibilities, just quit. but I know that's not very responsible, and i can't live that way. so I shall continue on as patiently as I can.....trusting in God's wisdom, not mine.

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