Wednesday, October 22, 2008

for Charity

being the only one who asked why my day was glorious, (on Saturday, October 4th) this post is solely dedicated to none other than Charity!

On Saturday, October 4th, I awoke to the sound of rain. This doesn't happen to often, although it's the most lovely way to waken. I look forward to it, yearly. Easing into the day with the cozy sound of rain outside, I got ready in record time, and took Micah to bowling. There was just enough time to make coffee, so I enjoyed that during the ride. I happily gazed at low clouds while listening to 90.9, KRCL. MMM. Fantastic. And still cozy.

At the bowling alley, I had my book, Jesus for President by Shane Claiborn, and read that for a bit. I enjoyed some more coffee, talked with Delvin and Dustin, and said hi to Raida. (Remember Raida, Charity??!) Afterward, I took Micah to a friend's house, and I headed into Salt Lake. With KRCL. And more rain. The plan was to meet a new friend, Leigh, for lunch at her apartment. I was early, so I stopped by Salt Lake Roasting Company to A. Have more coffee. B. Read my book some more. It's often hard to focus on reading or homework at the Roast, because I enjoy people watching so much. I did this a little, but got a decent amount read. Ah, does that book ever resonate with me! It's like, wow. There ARE other people in the world who think/feel the way I do, besides the sole 5 people I grew up with. It makes me excited.

Meanwhile, rain continues. Time flies. Two other Christians are apparently meeting and reading stuff out of Corinthians. (I'm not nosey at all.....)I head over to Leigh's apartment, actually on the same street Sarah lived on. I.E., the best place to live!!! We had a great time together. I told her it was the FIRST time for me hanging out with an unmarried female since Liz and Bec left. That's at least a few months.....It made my day. We watched a movie, The Spiderwick Chronicles. It was ok. Fantasy, with my favourite boy actor, Freddie Highmore. We talked a lot, went hot tubbing, ate Stroganough, and enjoyed her brand new, classy black couches. The hot tubbing was at the complex, and it was still raining. Might I suggest trying hot tubbing outdoors in the rain? It's amazing.

Next, after saying our goodbyes, I headed off to meet ANOTHER single female for MORE coffee! I picked Hatley up at her house, and we went over to Beans and Brews. I officially don't like Beans much, on a sidenote. We talked nonstop till the loud, annoying teenagers drove us away. We proceeded back to her house, with more conversation. Some things I told her about myself are things I've been reluctant to be honest about. Not like, living in rebellious, rotten sin or anything. But things that I truly desire, and believe, which I haven't been honest about to myself and others. For some reason I feel like I'm compromising to admit it to anyone. Having shared, it was a relief, and has made it easier for me to reflect on my heart and soul.

Getting late, I said my goodbyes, and drove home. The ride home was filled with silence, as I chose to just let my mind be still. I thought about my day, and decided it truly was, the most glorious day EVER. Why? Everything went perfectly well,I was at peace, I had FUN, I spent time with women in similar walks of life, it RAINED all day, and I actually was able to do things I wanted to, and enjoyed. It couldn't get much better than this!

so that, my dear sister, is why the day was so perfect. I think given my circumstances, nothing else possibly COULD have been any better. Plus, it rained.

ps. Only one small thing went wrong.....The "World's Greatest Boss" mug I bought off Ebay for my boss arrived, broken. Boo.

at the youth retreat from last weekend. I look like I'm having a hard time of it, hehe.


Unknown said...

wow that does sound quite fantastic! i really miss SL Roasting Co. pretty much one of my favorite places ever in SLC. or anywhere... There's only one thing that could've made the day better: ME! hahaha jk...
I love you!

Zac and Brook Halford said...

Hey, I have been studying Spanish on this free online "Rosetta Stone"-like program. It also has a Portugese program. Check it out:

CassieU said...

iloveyou& miss you much

Snivellusly Ozalan said...

I'm glad it rained for you. No glorious day is ever complete without rain. I completely know what you mean about hot tubbing in the rain too. I went hot tubbing while it was snowing once, and it was amazing. Freddie Highmore is in everything with a boy in it. Seriously, if there's a movie coming out about a young boy, it'll be Freddie Highmore. But he's a good actor, so I guess that's okay. I miss our conversations...about two and a half months till we get back!

Snivellusly Ozalan said...

I'm glad it rained for you. No glorious day is ever complete without rain. I completely know what you mean about hot tubbing in the rain too. I went hot tubbing while it was snowing once, and it was amazing. Freddie Highmore is in everything with a boy in it. Seriously, if there's a movie coming out about a young boy, it'll be Freddie Highmore. But he's a good actor, so I guess that's okay. I miss our conversations...about two and a half months till we get back!

Snivellusly Ozalan said...

I'm glad it rained for you. No glorious day is ever complete without rain. I completely know what you mean about hot tubbing in the rain too. I went hot tubbing while it was snowing once, and it was amazing. Freddie Highmore is in everything with a boy in it. Seriously, if there's a movie coming out about a young boy, it'll be Freddie Highmore. But he's a good actor, so I guess that's okay. I miss our conversations...about two and a half months till we get back!

Snivellusly Ozalan said...

Errr, does someone want to explain why my comment showed up three times? Okay, whatever. It just means I love you even more than usual!!!

CassieU said...

i have your book too!!! but it's on my end table...jake and i are free when you are...when is that? (not really...this weekend is packed, but the next i don't think is.....that means...friday after 4 sat after 4...and then sunday is normally reserved with the family. what were you thinking.)
--hope the world is enjoying reading us trying to figure out our schedules.