Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Susanna and Lea in Sacramento

For the sake of posting.......

The rules are that you have to answer these questions with only a one-word answer.
1. Where is your cell phone? Desk
2. Your significant other? Future
3. Your hair? Perfect
4. Your mother? hero
5. Your father? Around
6. Your favorite thing? outdoors
7. Your dream last night? Korver...
8. Your favorite drink? coffee
9. Your dream/goal? Glorify
10. The room you’re in? Office
11. Your hobby? Photography
12. Your fear? Alone
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Christ
14. What you’re not? Republican
15. Muffins? BRAN!
16. One of your wish list items? Contentment
17. Where you grew up? Utah
18. The last thing you did? Celery
19. What are you wearing? Business
20. Favorite gadget? P1i
21. Your pets? UGGG
22. Your computer? Amazing
23.Your mood? Energized
24. Missing someone? CHARITY
25.Your car? Reliable
26. Something you’re not wearing? Necklace
27. Favorite store? steepandcheap.com
28. Like someone? what
29. Your favorite color? RED.
30. When is the last time you laughed? today
31. Last time you cried? awhile

7 things I can do: 1. Capture nature's beauty in a photograph. 2. Not speak to you for months. 3. Connect with teenagers. 4. Drive single men away. 5. Dance for hours. 6. Be alone for a long time, and enjoy it. 7. Drive in silence.

7 things I can't do: 1. Flirt. (have never known how.) 2. Play the drums. 3. Be "normal". 4. Play video games. 5. Stay focused without techological distractions. 6. Fully understand Calvinism and the Tulip Theory belief system. 7. Make people love me like I want them to.

7 things that first attracted me to Kyle Korver: (hahaha.) 1. He drives a Honda Civic. 2. He gives a lot of his money away. 3. He is friendly on court and treats people well. 4. Likes to eat peanut butter and jelly. 5. Has gone to Brasil and India for basketball without borders. 6. Spends time with inner city kids in Philly, and stays connected with them. (His Bible study with them continues there even without him!) 7. He plays the greatest sport ever, and on my favourite team ever!!! (Hey, you asked.)

7 things I say most often: 1. Cool. (I hate that.) 2. Sweet 3. Awesome. 4. As IF! 5. Nossa. 6. "One thing about me is,". 7. How 'bout them jazz?

7 favorite foods: 1. Mushrooms 2. Cereal 3. Coffee 4. Fruit 5. Vegatables 6. Soup 7. Cheese.

Now I tag 7 of my friends to do this..... (please do, I would love to hear what you say)Cassie, Jes, Elizabeth, Rebecca, Jenny Jordan, Sarah Hare, Sara Weikel.

Ryan Dahl, Susanna, Gregory Richardson, Mary Kate


Unknown said...

ahhh I miss you too!!!!! nice pics :) 2 more months...i'm counting down! so what happened on your perfect glorious day? oct 4? refer to post below...

CassieU said...

i love your weed photo...why were you in sacramento...?