:: well I'm proud to be a Christian, when at least I know who's King. And I won't forget, the man who died for me. And I'll proudly stand up! Next to HIM. And defend my Christ today. 'Cause there isn't a doubt, I love this Man......God bless the Lord of All!!!! ::
Bahahhahaha. Cheesy to the max. But I'm so freakin' sick of all the Christamerican mumbo jumbo, that I want to hurl all over the "God Bless America"'s that I hear. And all the hate-monging Christapublican garbage being smeared across Jesus' heart. Good heavens! God never called us to attack each other, or the opposite political party. Let's have it for a little lovin' and grace and mercy, for the sake of all that is Holy!!!!! (and quit tarnishing that which IS Holy!!!)
Dear me. Jesus for President. All the way. James 1:27.
With you there, lovey. People don't like to work together any more. They just want to make everyone else look bad. But hey, we still have Starbucks and the Rockies. Oh, and New York has Van Gogh's Starry Night right now. There's still some good to be found! ;-)=
Not sure Christapublican is a word, you might want to look that up. And how come you have everyone's time listed on your blog (Like DC and Davao City) except for mine?? I'm hurt! ps Why in the world should God bless America? someone answer me this!
Let's vote for Jesus next election!!!
James 1:27
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
How do we take care of infants in distress when they are murdered in the womb using tax payer dollars? Over 1 million abortions annually in the U.S. I think "Christapublicans" seek to take care of orphans through adoption, not abortion.
How do we take care of widows and elderly who are in distress when they can have assisted suicide on a whim?
How do we keep ourselves from being polluted by the world? Do we stay quiet and submit? Do we relent and give in to the moral corruption, saying that we are not to stand up for our beliefs because that would not show grace and mercy? Do we turn the other cheek when infants, women, and minorities are persecuted, maimed, and ruthlessly murdered by tyrannical regimes?
Personally, I don’t think its hate-mongering to stand up for those who have no voice - such as infants and those who are oppressed in foreign countries.
You may not like America, and that is fine with me, for I know that Heaven is our true home and that is where our treasure and our allegiances lie; however, I will argue that the United States has done more good for the world than any other country in our history. We may not like everything that goes on here and abroad, but it’s fairly ignorant to dismiss the overwhelming financial, physical, and spiritual charity this country sends across the seven seas on a daily basis. And that is a verifiable truth.
P.S. Charity, you want a reason why God should bless America? Look up Genesis 12:3. I am pretty sure America falls into that category.
P.P.S I miss you guys and I hope you are doing well and enjoying life.
but so does every other nation. And i'm not going to 'demand' God to bless a nation that allows the killing of babies and promotes sinful lifestyles and war. I'll pray for the nation, along with the rest of the world, but I'm not going to single out this country and demand that God bless America!
You are right Charity, we cannot demand anything of God, let alone His blessings. I don't really know of anyone who demands such things of God, but if they do, they are out of touch with reality. Also, not every country blesses Israel – in fact, many countries openly oppose Israel and her interests.
Like you, I pray that God will display his grace and mercy, as he commonly does, and bless this country in spite of her transgressions. But the blessings I and other Christians regardless of political affiliation ask for are those of faith, hope, and love - not new TVs or SUVS, fun vacations or a new home.
Our country does have faults, I wont deny that. I will argue, however, that it has done more good for this world than any other country in history. Whether this is enough to warrant God's blessings, I do not know, but it is something to be pround of and to keep in mind, regardless of political ideology.
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