Tuesday, April 14, 2009

the promise

:: yesterday, beautiful spring
blue skies
bright puffy clouds
cheerful sounds of birds
but the drive home
marred and blurred
bitter tears did fall
as once again, the heart begged the question: why?
why so hard?
why such a constant battle?
if the desire is there, why not met?
an answer did not come
but a new day did
and with that new day,
there also came
a simple reminder
that same little promise
that has carried the heart thus far:

"trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
and He will make your paths straight."
-Proverbs 3:5-6-

O, that thine heart might rejoice and take faith in this glorious truth! ::

sm 4-14-09


CassieU said...

You're in my prayers mon ami. your language is very beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

CassieU said...

any interest in sending "the girls" a care package with a zac efron poster?....smiles...you coming dancing on sat?

Susanna Johnson said...

mi amor! your consistent comments are so appreciated!!

dunno about the care package.....not sure if they're worth it or not. ;)

no, I unfortunately am not. (krissy can have michael AND jesse all to herself.) I have something at 4-6, so it won't be worth it for the short bit before. what are your plans after?

Snivellusly Ozalan said...

I'm trying to comment again. I'll just keep trying. Someday it'll work. I loved the poem!

Snivellusly Ozalan said...

Oh! It worked! Hooray! I've been trying to comment on your site for awhile, and it wouldn't work. :-(=

CassieU said...

sat. after dancing...no se.....so that means...i can reserve you eh? sweet....it's a date. what should we do? I'm excited. (are you going to darbys shower on sun?)

Susanna Johnson said...

ohhhh. I forgot. what time? shoot.