Wednesday, March 29th
getting a nice, early start that day was key.....well, compared to prior years, it felt early. ;)
David and i were laughing, because the weight of my pack (about 45 lbs.) nearly pulled me over backwards.
then we took before pictures:
A few shots while progressing downward.
still pretty chipper, despite the strenuous activity. :)
taking a short break...
we made it down to the river, and took a break to cool off. my legs were officially shot at this point, from the constant downhill trekking.
then we went over the Phantom Ranch, where we enjoyed a beer (not David!) and some games inside the Canteen. We were kicked out when they were making dinner. Which just so happened to be a $40 steak dinner. We ate Pasta Roni outside on a picnic table, our mouths watering at the smell of the delicious, dead cow.
We proceeded to pack back up, and head towards Clear Creek for a few miles. We needed to get at least a couple more in before we divvied up on the tonto.
the last few pictures I took this day were of this lovely yellow.....flower/plant. huge bumblebees were enjoying it, and we had a short little discussion on my bee sting allergies and our lack of adequate bee sting treatment. we were only about half a mile in, so we quickly continued on. it grew dark, and about 2.3 miles into the hike we found a spot large enough for three people to sleep. we snacked for a bit and conversed, and I called my dad to inform him of our divvying on the tonto, and that I had cell phone reception. the sky was huge and beautiful with stars, and we fell asleep tired, sore, but content.
This writing is so much easier to read, for those of us non-college folk, than the typically verbose, flowery, poetic style you wow others with. (those who can understand it;])
I have never been to the grand canyon! It looks amazing!
lol. well then Caleb or Ashley, good thing I'm eclectic and have many writing styles!
Sarah, it IS amazing! And very hot!
David doesn't look like he has very good hiking shoes... I like your pics a lot!
that looks like A LOT OF gear, and haven't heard you complain about it once. wow, you rock. i still want to go down with you sometime...!!! i won't be a wimp, I PROMISE (you caught nice depth on i think it was the second pick. nice work.)
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