view from the Clear Creek campground.
a bruise. acquired in a very unexciting, shuttle bus way. yes. i bruised my leg on the seat of a shuttle bus. before we even began hiking. how lame.
this day we planned to get up at a reasonable hour, and go for a day hike to find some water coming forth from the rocks. we found it last time we came to Clear Creek, and it was basically the highlight of my dad's and Daniel's trip. so we set off, me taking pics along the way, daniel slipping in the streams, and david just enjoying himself.
we named this one "Jesse Falls". After our friend, Jesse Falls. ha, HA!
I kissed a frog. and it felt good.
we went pretty far, even up and behind a waterfall, but eventually I was getting tired, it was getting late, and we needed to hike out a few miles that night. so david and I sat to rest, while daniel went on a bit further to seek out the fountain of youth. er, water bursting forth from the rocks?
the waterfall we climbed behind. I don't remember if we named this one?
while sitting and waiting, I imagined all sorts of scenarios where daniel got lost, hurt, or injured. and no one knew where we were. reminded me of that time in Parati, Rio de Janeiro, with Jake, Elizabeth, and Cassie. ha. those Moore's. always getting into dangerous situations. ahem. I digress.
I also thought there was an animal in a tiny cave nearby, but turns out it was nothing. then we heard daniel returning, and we climbed atop a huge boulder to hide and scare him. he was terrified. and had found the agua! success.
the rock from whence the water came.
folk will never die.
no cheese, at all.
the burninator. a story in itself!
we returned to camp, where we proceeded to enjoy the most tasty meal of rice a roni, EVER. it was cheese and broccoli, and I loved it. then we packed up and headed out. the trail on the way out was one I was fearing the entire time. but the actual steepness of it was fine, I was surprised at how quickly it was over. the height and smallness of the trail terrified me, however. and I was very nervous that david would take a fall. but we made it.
this trail. terrifying.
once out, we proceeded to rid ourselves of our excess food weight- lots of instant oatmeal and some gatoraid powder. then we found ourselves a good spot to bivvy up on the tonto, and tried to sleep. It rained a bit in the night, which had me worried. but it was only a bit, and we finally got some sleep.
the depletion of our fare.
view from the plateau above Clear Creek.
as always fun looks soo dry there..compared to when you went down that one time with all the really nice that just a different part of the canyon?
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